Our Story

Our baby, Jett, was born at 27 weeks. That's 13 weeks early. That’s no third trimester. He weighed only 1kg, was plugged into all the life-saving machines and rushed into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where we remained for 90 days.

It’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to us. Coming to terms with that reality was really hard, and early in our journey we fought worry and anxiety all day, every day, praying that our little boy would make it.. Optimism and hope are the most important qualities while in the NICU yet the most elusive.  

Jett is now 13 months “corrected age”, a beautiful cheeky boy, and is smashing his milestones. All signs suggest he will be a perfectly normal, and devilishly handsome, kid.

The level of care that we received was amazing, and we will be forever in debt to the public health system, and everyone at the Royal North Shore Hospital who went above and beyond to save Jett’s life.